Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Causes of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a disease in which kidney function has decreased until finally no longer able to work at all in terms of screening disposal of the body electrolytes, maintain fluid balance and body chemicals such as sodium and potassium in the blood or urine production.

Kidney disease can affect anyone who suffers serious illness or injury where it impacts directly on the kidney itself. Renal disease is more often addressed in those aged adults, especially in the elderly.

A. Causes of Kidney Failure

The occurrence of renal failure caused by a serious illness that didedrita by the body which gradually affects the renal organ damage. As for some diseases that often affect kidney damage include:High blood pressure (Hypertension)Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes Mellitus)Presence of urinary tract obstruction (stones, tumors, narrowing / stricture)Autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosusWith cancer (cancer)Kidney disorders, where there is the development of many cysts on the kidney itself (polycystic kidney disease)Damage to the kidneys filter cells either by infection or inflammation due to the impact of high blood pressure. Medical terms is referred to as glomerulonephritis.
As for other diseases also can cause kidney failure if not quickly addressed, among others are: Loss of a sudden a lot Searches (diarrhea and vomiting, bleeding, burns), as well as other diseases such as pulmonary disease (TB), syphilis, malaria, hepatitis, preeclampsia, Drugs and amyloidosis.
Renal disease develops slowly towards a worsening in which the kidneys no longer able to work as funngsinya. In medicine, known as 2 different types of attacks to kidney failure, acute and chronic.

B. Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Failure

The signs and symptoms of kidney failure experienced by patients in acute include: Swelling of the eyes, legs, severe low back pain (colic), urinary pain, fever, urinating less, red urine / blood, frequent urination. Abnormalities of Urine: Protein, Blood / Red blood cells, white blood cells / leucocytes, bacteria.
While the signs and symptoms that may arise by the presence of chronic renal failure include: weakness, no energy, appetite, nausea, vomiting, swelling, decreased urination, itching, shortness of breath, pale / anemic. Urinary disorders: Protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes. Lab examination abnormalities. Other: blood creatinine increased, decreased Hb, Urine: protein is always positive.

C. Determination of Kidney Failure Diagnosis

Ask a doctor after the patient's medical history and signs and symptoms, to determine the presence / occurrence of the failure of kidney function then He will perform a physical examination that focused on the possibility of kidney enlargement or swelling around the kidney. If the suspected occurrence of impaired renal function, then the patient will be consulted to a kidney specialist (Nephrologist).

Further laboratory examination of blood or urine either to see the levels of electrolytes sodium and potassium / potassium. In the particular cases the medical team may perform the installation of a catheter tube into the urine bag (bladder) to remove urine. When required, the medical team will advise shooting examination of kidney structures by the method of Ultrasound, Computed tomography (CT) scans or by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. There is even a possibility of action biopsy, the sampling (sample) of kidney tissue.

D. Kidney Failure Treatment and Handling

Handling and treatment of kidney failure depends on the cause of the failure of kidney function itself. In essence, the goal of treatment is to control the symptoms, minimizing complications and slowing progression of the disease. For example, a patient may need a diet low intake of sodium, potassium, protein and fluids. When a known cause is the impact of other diseases, your doctor will give medicine or therapy such as administration of drugs for the treatment of hypertension, anemia, or maybe high cholesterol.
Someone who experienced failure of kidney function should be monitored very entry (intake) and expenditure (output) of fluid, so that a given action and treatment can be done well. In some serious cases, patients will be advised or given blood laundering measures {Haemodialisa (dialysis)}. Another possibility is the act of a kidney transplant or kidney transplant.

E. Esophageal Precautions Kidney Disease

We are in a state of "feeling well" at least expected to do a medicine / control / laboratory. As for those who otherwise impaired Kidney, either mild or moderate expected to be careful in consuming oabat rheumatic drugs such as drugs, certain antibiotics and treated immediately if infected, avoid the lack of fluid (vomiting), Control periodically.

Lung cancer is caused primarily by cigarette smoke.

Lung cancer. From the name of the disease course was horrified to hear that. Lung cancer is one disease that has a high mortality rate in the sufferer. In fact, according to World Health Organization (WHO), lung cancer is the leading cause of death in the group of cancer in both men and women.

Lung cancer is the growth of cancer cells that are not controlled in the lung tissue that can be caused by a number of environmental carcinogens, especially cigarette smoke. The majority of lung cancers derived from cells in the lungs, but lung cancer can also originate from cancer in other parts of the body that spreads to the lungs.

Approximately 90% of cases of lung cancer in men and about 70% in women are caused primarily by smoking. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk for lung cancer.

The tobacco industry considered that the relationship between the number of patients with lung cancer with high consumption of cigarettes is only a coincidence. However, from various studies show a positive correlation is very consistent and that the only cause of lung cancer in general is the consumption of cigarettes

Only a small proportion of lung cancers (about 10% -15% in men and 5% in women) caused by or inhaled substances encountered in the workplace. Working with asbestos, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, chloromethyl ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emissions can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoke.

The role of air pollution as a cause of lung cancer is still not known. Some cases occur because of exposure by radon gas in the household.

Sometimes lung cancer (particularly adenocarcinoma and alveolar cell carcinoma) occurred in people who had had her lung scarring due to other lung diseases, like tuberculosis and fibrosis.

Inorganic Waste Utilization

Waste or waste is waste material resulting from the exploitation of the environment by humans to meet their needs. According to the garbage faction divided four groups, namely:Human secreta, the waste material is removed from the body of humans and animals, such as sweat, feces (manure solids), and urine (liquid manure).Sawage, the effluent water discharged by the industries or households, such as detergents.Refuse, waste material is a byproduct of industrial processes or household activities, such as plastic, metal, bottles, wooden buildings, the remaining vegetables, rice used, the leaves of plants or waste items.Industrial waste, the waste material from the remnants of industrial processes such as dyes, solvents, waste injection, and others.
Garbage or waste that we produce every day, we usually throw away without us-aggregated and aggregated. This is probably because we do not know or may not want to know that we can trash-pilahkan aggregated into organic and inorganic wastes that can be utilized into useful items.
Inorganic waste is waste that is not derived from living things.Inorganic waste will require a long time or even can not be degraded naturally. Some inorganic wastes such as styrofoam, plastic, cans, and glass materials or glass. One of the utilization of inorganic waste is to recycle (recycle). Recycling is an attempt to process the goods or things which are not used so that they can be reused. Some inorganic wastes that can be exploited through the recycling process, such as plastic, glass, metal, and paper.A. Plastic wastePlastic waste is usually used for packaging goods. Plastics are also used as home furnishings such as buckets, plates, glasses, and so forth. Advantage goods made of plastic which does not rust and durable. The amount of impact on the amount of plastic utilization of plastic waste. Whereas for naturally devastated when buried in soil requires a very long time. Try your plastic waste buried for several months, then dig again cover the land can be ascertained that the plastic will remain intact. Therefore, efforts to do is take advantage of plastic waste to be recycled into items that the same function as the original function and are used for different functions. For example, old plastic buckets are recyclable and the recycling after a bucket can be destroyed or re-created products such as plastic spoons, trash, or a flower pot. Plastic from the former snack or detergent can be recycled crafts such menjdai pockets, purses, laptop bags, shopping bags, slippers, or an umbrella. Beverage bottles can be used to make children's toys. Drinking straws can be made of flowers, picture frames, table cloths, wall hangings or other decorations.2. Metal waste
Garbage or waste from a metal material such as iron, tin, aluminum, tin, and others can easily be found in the environment around us.Waste of material which can usually be found at most and the most easy to use into other useful items. Garbage cans of materials can be used as a variety of handicrafts that are useful. Various products can be produced from waste include garbage cans, flower vases, key chains, piggy banks, gift box, and others.3. Glass or glass waste
Waste glass or broken glass can be recycled into items such as original goods or items lainseperti into new bottles, vases, souvenirs, or other decorations that have artistic and economic value.4. Waste paper
Waste paper is broken down and it looks like a harmless plastic waste. But nonetheless that his name would cause problems if the garbage strewn granted. Waste of paper can be recycled either directly or indirectly. Directly means that the paper was immediately made craft or other useful items. While not directly mean that the paper can be melted into the paper pulp first, then made a variety of crafts.
Of recycled paper a lot of variety as decorative boxes, book covers, photo frames, pencil points, and so forth.

Benefits of Broccoli to Prevent Cancer

The health benefits of broccoli are very famous. Now there is evidence to show you the maximum benefit if the broccoli is cooked the right way and make twice as effective in fighting cancer. According to Elizabeth Jeffery, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois, "broccoli, carefully prepared, is a highly effective agent against cancer by five servings a week is quite influential. To get the benefits of broccoli myrosinase enzyme must exist, and if not there, sulforaphane, a component of cancer prevention and anti-inflammatory substances broccoli, can not be formed. Most people serve ready to eat broccoli is overcooked, so destroy myrosinase, even those who can benefit using additional herbs for health. 

The researchers found that the combination of extra flavor to the broccoli has increased the efficiency and health benefits of broccoli. Broccoli sprouts rich in myrosinase. The researchers studied the metabolites in plasma and urine in four healthy men after each eating broccoli sprouts alone, it added flavor and a combination of both. Synergistic effect of the powder and shoots was evident after three hours of consumption, increasing the absorption of sulforaphane double. "We looked at plasma and urine metabolites much higher than just consumed separately," said Jeffery. Mustard, radish, arugula and wasabi is another food that can be combined with broccoli broccoli to increase benefits, the researchers said. "To enhance the benefits of vegetables, you can sprinkle on a dish of broccoli sprouts or broccoli you make the mustard sauce dish with broccoli," said Jeffery.

Causes of Excessive Hair Loss

Factors that cause hair loss
Hair care is wrong or cause excessive hair loss may be excessive.
 Similarly, the lifestyle is wrong, it could be your hair fall out.
 Excessive hair loss can cause your hair to be bald. And how to avoid habits that can make your hair fall out? There are three factors that make excessive hair loss, here are some factors that cause excessive hair loss.

Factors of disease / drug use
Fungal scalp infection.
Suffering from diseases such as typhoid, diabetes or a disease to a major operation.
 But the cause of hair loss is temporary.
The use of medications that contain antidepressants, contraceptives, gout, heart drugs and the like.
Changes in hormone levels, such as pregnancy, childbirth, after delivery. Hair loss caused transient changes in hormone levels.
Lifestyle habits such as insomnia or any of sleeplessness, lack of rest, stress, alcohol consumption, smoking and so on.

Factor of food / beverage
Soft drink
Consumption of soft drinks can also lead to hair damage, because the content of the material preserved.

Saturated fat
Eating foods that contain saturated fats can increase obesity in the body. But not good for health, saturated fat can lead to oily hair and dandruff.

consumption sugar per day (excess) in addition to causing diabetes, sugar can also make your hair fall out. Because sugar can increase the adrenal. With the increased adrenal androgen your body produces higher thus causing a decrease androgenic hair.

Excessive salt consumption can inhibit the production of thyroid hormone causes hypothyroidism and hair loss. In addition, salt can cause hypertension.

Just as the body, hair also needs vitamins or nutrients are sufficient to maintain the balance of nutrients to the hair. The lack of hair nutrition can lead to dry hair.

Hair care factors
Shampoo and conditioner
The use of a shampoo that does not match your hair can lead to dry hair, loss and dandruff. Substitute for the type of shampoo can also experience the same thing. When using conditioner not more than 15 minutes, as some conditioners contain proteins that form a chain. Likewise with the shampoo.

Wash it every day
Wash it every day to make the sebaceous glands produce more oil. This makes the hair loss, dry and oily. Sebum is the oil glands which serves to protect the hair and adjust the balance of elements kelembabab hair.Hair dryers and straightenersToo frequent use of blow dryer and hair clamp can make your hair become dry and fall off easily due to heat generated from the tool. Before using these tools, you should use a moisturizer or hair vitamin.

Combing wet hair
Hair is most fragile condition of our hair when wet. Hair roots easily vulnerable when conditions are wet and fall off easily when brushed. Should be dried first and use the wide-toothed comb.Hair TieTying the hair during sleep and lead to wet hair conditions the fungus because of damp. If left too often can lead to infection of the scalp.